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Smokestacks of Gnaak
Ian Miller

Ian Miller - Smokestacks of Gnaak.jpg

Ian Miller's Smokestacks of Gnaak ties back to two decades earlier, in the late 80s / early 90s, when Ian produced five art pieces for the book titled "The Global Politics of Power, Justice and Death: An Introduction to International Relations".


The artwork was produced in pen and ink, in Ian's signature detailed style.  It was used as a full cover  wrap-around image (front and back), as shown below.

Ian noted that he did a series of five illustrations of this ilk (one if which is shown below), and the version depicted on the book cover was ultimately selected by the publisher...and reborn as a playing card in the Sorcery: Contested Realm TCG nearly two decades later!


In the margin of the illustration, you can see the book title, and Ian's name and date.

Ian Miller - Global Politics ALternate Art.jpg

When asked about the context and backstory of the image, Ian answered:

"Power of politics or some such title.  Serious tome as I recall."


[Ian is a one-of-a-kind artistic talent and personality. Always a pleasure to engage with!]

Ian Miller - Smokestacks of Gnaak Painting.jpg
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